Announce your request for proposal, invitation to bid, good
faith effort, teaming opportunity, or just about any government contracting opportunity
and we’ll send it to the perfect audience. It is what we do.
Since 1998, our team has built services to enable businesses to track and find
opportunity. Over 123000 members have opted in to receive and access postings at our
sites. is the newest tool and enables geo-locations down to the
contrqctor’s neighborhood. Reach members who choose within 198 industry sectors or NAICs
or PSC or Keyword alerts. We put the match process in their hands (literally with our
APP)! We put the annoucement process in yours.
You control your announcement.
Provide your organization’s key contact data to get started. Once you
are set up, then you or your team can begin the annoucement process.
Each annouocement is reviewed, then released (generally within minutes).
Your annoucement can include:
Once you announce, then we go to work. After a quick review your annoucement goes live! Delivery occurs immediately to the opt-in accounts seeking your match including to their application device. Each morning, we pull togehter a concise match alert for members (opt-in) who prefer a daily update. Your annoucement stays live until the due date, then it automatically expires.
Finally, at the last screen you receive a GovDirections Certificate of Good Faith Effort to place in your final bid or notice to a governing agency.