Research as a Service (RaaS)

Find and Win

Home State
$ 39 /mo
  • All Local, State, and Federal Bids in Your Home State (SAM and DLA)
  • Includes Subcontracting Listings
  • Includes MicroPurchases
  • Critical Contact Information and Documents
  • Competitive Insights and Intelligence
  • GeoBased Matches
  • How to do Business Links and Videos
  • GovAdvice Sessions (Small Business Profile)
  • GovSchool Courses
  • Perfect for Trades and Services that are Local
  • RFP Writing GPT Add-On Available
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Regional Choice (Popular)
$ 59 /mo
  • All Local, State, and Federal Bids in Up to 14 States
  • Includes Subcontracting Listings
  • Includes MicroPurchases
  • Critical Contact Information and Documents
  • Competitive Insights and Intelligence
  • GeoBased Matches
  • How to do Business Links and Videos
  • GovAdvice Sessions (Small Business Profile)
  • GovSchool Courses
  • Perfect for Consultants and Businesses that are Regional
  • RFP Writing GPT add-on Available
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National Service
$ 100 /mo
  • All Local, State, and Federal Bids (SAM and DLA)
  • Includes Subcontracting Listings
  • Includes MicroPurchases
  • Critical Contact Information and Documents
  • Competitive Insights and Intelligence
  • GeoBased Matches
  • How to do Business Links and Videos
  • GovAdvice Sessions
  • GovSchool Courses
  • Perfect for Established Businesses OR Growing National
  • RFP Writing GPT add-on Available
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What is Business Intelligence?

Business Intelligence is our premium service at RFP Delivery. Your membership includes access to all local, state, and federal listings delivered via a daily email alert. Each listing provides the contact information for the government bid opportunity and relevant documents when available. Information is actively gathered by a trained research staff who cull through public documents to locate business opportunities for members.

For more details regarding Business Intelligence
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