Library For the Future

In a country with falling literacy rates, it is important to remember that knowledge is not just power, but growth. A hub of knowledge, the library has become synonymous with wisdom and scholars, yet the decreasing availability of libraries has stunted the growth of not only children, but adults as well, with many reading below the level expected of them. However, libraries, as well as being places of knowledge, are community centers as well, acting as a place where people can meet to discuss various topics, for students to go study, or a quiet place to fulfill work duties. Wicomico County is looking to the future and wants to convert an existing building into a public library in Parsonburg, MD to help achieve the goal of of a well-read society and a home for learning.

If interested, contact Amy Kernodle at or click here to learn more. The bid closes on July 24, 2024 at 2:30 PM.