Total Bids : 51417
Supplies: Clothing, Uniforms, Shoes, Boots, Bags, Hats, Gloves
DLA Only - Solar, Alternative Energy
DLA Only - Electrical, Lighting, Cabling
DLA Only - Air Circulation, Boilers, Furnace, Refrigeration
DLA Only - Plumbing, Irrigation, Water Meters, Pipe, Valves
DLA Only - Hardware and Abrasives
DLA Only - Water, Wastewater, Pump
DLA Only - Auto, OEM Parts, Vehicle Accessories
DLA Only - Voice, Antenna, Communication, VoIP, Telecom, Internet
DLA Only - Aircraft Related
DLA Only - Doors, Entryways, Locksmith
Equipment: Tools, Hand, Power
Medical: Health
Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control
Infrastructure: General Large Construction, Commissioning, Hospitals
Equipment: Safety, PPE, Fire, Police, Dust Mask, Gas Mask
Services: Transportation, Charter, Taxi, Emergency
Supplies: Chemicals, Gases (Not Fuel), Fertilizer
Consulting: Management Studies, Technical, Research
Supplies: Furniture, Furnishings, Shelving, Desk
Trades and Subcontracts: Fire Protection, Extinguishing
Services: Utilities, Natural Gas, Stormwater, Water, Sewer, Leak Detection
Consulting: Architectural and Engineering
Services: Personal, Sewing, Upholstery