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Total Bids : 35690

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Park Construction

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Fire Alarm Upgrade

Trades and Subcontracts: Fire Protection, Extinguishing

Pavilion Concession

Services: Concessions, Food Services, Catering, Vending

Redevelopment of 1700 Hughes Street

Consulting: Real Estate, Structure, Facility, Purchase and Lease

Construction Manager

Infrastructure: CMAR, Project Management, Planning and Scheduling

Provision of Annual Traffic Signal Repair

Infrastructure: Signalization, Automation Systems, Traffic Cameras, Plate Recognition

Provision of Bituminous Materials

Infrastructure: Materials (Aggregate, Asphalt, Concrete, Rocks, Salt, Sand)


Services: Printing, Publishing, Mailing, Subscription, Books, Barcodes, Labels, Decals

Mowing Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Snow Removal From County Roads

Services: Traffic Control, Snow Removal, Dust Control, Salting, Sweeping

Facilities Management

Services: Facility, Property, Park Management, Operation