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Total Bids : 42882

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Traffic Signal Projects

Infrastructure: Signalization, Automation Systems, Traffic Cameras, Plate Recognition

Janitorial Supplies

Services: Cleaning, Custodial, Janitorial, Window Cleaning

Bituminous Concrete

Infrastructure: Materials (Aggregate, Asphalt, Concrete, Rocks, Salt, Sand)

Custodial Paper Products

Supplies: Custodial, Cleaning, Trash/Can Liners, Soap, Paper Towels

Asphalt Concrete

Infrastructure: Materials (Aggregate, Asphalt, Concrete, Rocks, Salt, Sand)

Carpet Replacement

Trades and Subcontracts: Flooring, Carpet, Tile Work

Bulk Lubricants

Supplies: Fuel, Oil, Natural Gas, Propane, Lubricant

Hot Applied Asphalt Cracksealer

Infrastructure: Materials (Aggregate, Asphalt, Concrete, Rocks, Salt, Sand)

Construction Manager

Infrastructure: CMAR, Project Management, Planning and Scheduling