Total Bids : 51977
Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction
Equipment: Air Circulation, Boilers, Furnace, Refrigeration
Infrastructure: Patching, Milling, Seal Coat, Asphalt Repair
Services: Environment, Abatement, Remediation, Hazardous
IT: Data, Cloud, Storage, SAN
IT: Hardware, Network, and Technology Equipment
Infrastructure: Climate Change, Environmental Remediation, Green Energy, Solar
Services: Pest Control, Birds and Nuisance Animal Control
Equipment: Athletic, Exercise, Gym, Playground
Trades and Subcontracts: Inspection, Material Testing and Surveying
Consulting: Public Affairs, Legislative, Lobbyist
Consulting: Accounting, Audit, Banking and Finance
Services: Auto Repair, Custom Conversion, Towing
Infrastructure: General Large Construction, Commissioning, Hospitals
Infrastructure: Roads and Bridges
Infrastructure: CMAR, Project Management, Planning and Scheduling
Trades and Subcontracts: Electrical and Low Voltage
Equipment: Office, Copiers, 3D Printers, Voting Equipment
IT: Emergency and Mass Communication
IT: Security, Alarm, CCTV, and Monitoring
Consulting: Social Services, Family, Youth Service
Consulting: Real Estate, Structure, Facility, Purchase and Lease
Infrastructure: School Construction
Infrastructure: Broadband, Communications, Fiber, Network
Trades and Subcontracts: Doors, Entryways, Locksmith
Trades and Subcontracts: Roofing, Gutters, Canopy
Equipment: Appliances, Service and Trade Equipment
IT: Education and Learning Software, Educational AI, ERATE
Supplies: Chemicals, Gases (Not Fuel), Fertilizer
Consulting: Management Studies, Technical, Research
Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control
Infrastructure: Garages, Parking Lots, Bus Shelters
Equipment: Vehicles - Auto, Electric, Light Trucks, General Fleet