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Total Bids : 41775

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Asphalt Overlay and Paving Project

Infrastructure: Patching, Milling, Seal Coat, Asphalt Repair

WWTP OMM Services

Services: Utilities, Natural Gas, Stormwater, Water, Sewer, Leak Detection

Exterior Renovations

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Community Sewer

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Walking Track

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Sewer Pipe

Supplies: Plumbing, Irrigation, Water Meters, Pipe, Valves

Concrete Materials Only

Infrastructure: Materials (Aggregate, Asphalt, Concrete, Rocks, Salt, Sand)

Water Pipe

Supplies: Plumbing, Irrigation, Water Meters, Pipe, Valves

Animal Care Center

Infrastructure: General Large Construction, Commissioning, Hospitals

RFP for Food Service

Services: Concessions, Food Services, Catering, Vending

Convention Center Expansion

Infrastructure: General Large Construction, Commissioning, Hospitals

Building Repairs

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Wheel Loader Lease

Equipment: Heavy, Dump Truck, Snow Plows, Tractor, Trailer, Lift

Snow Removal Services

Services: Traffic Control, Snow Removal, Dust Control, Salting, Sweeping

Mayo Beach Park Day Camp Building

Infrastructure: General Large Construction, Commissioning, Hospitals

Water Storage Tank Rehabilitations

Services and Equipment: Tanks, Including Tank Cleaning and Repair Services