Total Bids : 604

Lift Station Improvements Sewer

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Sewer Replacement

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Bullock Forrest Storm Sewer

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Class 8 Water Tender

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Elevated Water Tank

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

George Bush Transmission Main

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

SOCBOF Wash Bay Lift Replacement

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

New Well Project

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Water System Improvements

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

LaBarge Watershed Water Wells

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Relocate Water Main Luke Rowe's Gut

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Sanitary Sewer Main Cleaning

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Well Maintenance Projects Rebid

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

BMP Repairs & Maintenance

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

OE Drilling Contract

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Sewer Rehabilitation Project

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Substation ARC Blast Firewall

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Primary Clarifier 4 and 6 Repairs

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Septic to Sewer Phase 1A

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities


Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Deep Injection Wells

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities