Total Bids : 794

Water Main Extension

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Sewer Improvements

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Water Overarching CIP

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Natural Gas Line Extension

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Force Main Extension and Replacement

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Lift Station Rehabilitation Project

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Fire Hydrant Replacements

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Replace Water Fountains

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Pioneer Trail Water Main Replacement

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Water and Sewer Main Replacements

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

New Wastewater Treatment Plant

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Pump Station Modifications

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Flow Drop Project

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Annual Contract - Gravity Main Lining

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Water Well Repair Project

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Miscellaneous Utility Project

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Storm Drain Repair

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Waterline Replacement Projects

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Fountain Restoration & Conservation

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Rehabilitation of Sewer Line on Oahu

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities

Center Sewer Repairs Phases 2A 2B

Infrastructure: Water, Sewer, Power, Gas, Utilities