Total Bids : 497

Welding Expansion Project

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Boardwalk Repairs

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Housing Rehabilitation - 153 Cherry Hill Dr Newington CT

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

26th Avenue SE Box Culvert

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Diamond Street Drainage Improvements

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

RFP Construction Services for Job Ordering Contracting

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Event Stage and Accessories Rebid x2

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

RFB Group Home Improvements

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction


Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Hospital- Emergency Department Renovation Phase 2

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Re-Bid NRHA Renovations to Sykes Midrise Apartments

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Central Office Renovations

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

High SchoolMiddle School Remodel

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

South Office Renovations

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction


Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

General Contractor Services

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

City Hall Improvements

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

RFP Administration Building Exterior Renovations

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Dining Hall Renovation

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Local Rehabilitation

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Construction Rehabilitation Services - 18849 Damasco Street

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

2468 Wild Rose Drive - Single Family Home Rehabilitation

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Restroom Improvements

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Room Ventilation RetroFit

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Cobblestone 104 IRA - Kitchen Renovation

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction


Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Alterations to 1377 Boulevard

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Building Renovations

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Building 65 Remodel

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Interior Renovations

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Job Order Contracting for General Building Services

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Homeownership Rehabilitation Project

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

General Repairs for Remodeling Maintenance and Special Projects

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Interior Renovation for Health Unit

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Repair of Warehouse and Applied Trade Shops

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Building 2025 Renovation

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Middle School Bathroom Renovation

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Morse Watchman Keyboxes for PHX & CAM

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

First Floor Renovations

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Renovations of County Fire Protection District Station Two

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Multiple Single Family Rehabs

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Field House

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Fire Station No 2 Addition and Renovation

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Dumpster Enclosures at Crestview Apartments

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction

Second Floor Office Renovation Project

Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction