Total Bids : 556

Grass Cutting & Weed Trimming

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Ground Maintenance Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Tree Cutting Removal and Disposal

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Tree Removal Maintenance Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control


Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Landscaping Services Commercial

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

BTU Custodial Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Street Right-of-Way Landscape Maintenance

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

On-call Nuisance Lot Mowing Service

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Airport Mowing Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

County Combined Mowing and Litter

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Drainage Retention Area Mowing

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

IL - Meredosia NWR - Tree Planting

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

New Irrigation System Installations

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Plant Beautification

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Grounds Maintenance Service

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Indoor Live Plant Maintenance

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Right-of-Way Mowing

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Tree Cutting & Removal Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

RFP 2025 Cleaning Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

BIds for Public Works Landscape Restoration

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Stream and Ditch Rehabilitation 2024

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Lawn Mowing Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Lawn Mowing and Weed Trimming

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Mowing and Landscape Maintenance

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Mowing Flood Buyout Lots

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Mowing 4th & Clay Lot

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Mowing & Litter Removal Campbell Streetscape

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Mowing Trail of Tears

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Mowing Ruff Park

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Mowing Pioneer Cemetery

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

MowingTrimming & Litter Removal Right of Way

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Sunset Park Greenway Renovation

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

On-Call Open Space Landscape Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Sprinkler Inspection Testing and Repair

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Municipal Tree Management Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Grounds Maintenance

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Road Right-Of-Way Landscape Bed Maintenance

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control