Total Bids : 237

Park Playground Bid

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Pickleball Courts

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Shuffleboard Court Resurfacing

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Burbank Park Renovations and Site Improvements

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Renovations to Park

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

High School Stadium Improvements B25037

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

High School Stadium Improvements B25038

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Lyons- Faison Park INODIC

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Social Circle Pickle Ball Courts

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Amphitheater Improvements at Fulwood Park

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Tennis Court Resurfacing & Maintenance

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Multisport Synthetic Turf Fiield

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Pool Deck Repair and Replacement Project

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Athletic Field Upgrades

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

PE Gym

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Baseball Facility Batting Cage

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Athletic Fields Maintenance Services

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Field Renovation Services

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Renovate Various Cabins - State Parks

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Hike-Bike Trail Reconstruction

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

RFP for CMAR for Park

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Installation of Portable Aluminum Bleachers

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Glenwood Park Improvements

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Pool Liner Replacement

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Park Athletic Fields

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Beach Sand

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Day Use Playground

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

DHT Phase IX Snow Lake to Mozart

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Cartwright Fitzsimons and Grey Park Improvements

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

RFP Community Center and Park Project

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

EP Clarke and Lincoln Elementary Playground

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

BPool Pak Replacements

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction


Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

66812-25-0012 Eastside Park Improvements

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Creatwood Park Renovation

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Ezra Taylor Park - INODIC

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Park Tennis and Pickleball

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Julian Field Park Improvements

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Veteran Park Playground

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction

Veterans Park Playground

Infrastructure: Park, Pool, Playground, Stadium Construction