Total Bids : 137

Q517--Staffing Service Tucson

Services: Facility, Property, Park Management, Operation

Facility Maintenance Solutions

Services: Facility, Property, Park Management, Operation

Office Suite Remodel - Jersey Village

Services: Facility, Property, Park Management, Operation

Operation of the Coachman Family Center

Services: Facility, Property, Park Management, Operation

Management Services City Parking Facilities

Services: Facility, Property, Park Management, Operation

RFP for Alemany Farmers Market Operations

Services: Facility, Property, Park Management, Operation

Multiple Award Schedule

Services: Facility, Property, Park Management, Operation

Multiple Award Schedule

Services: Facility, Property, Park Management, Operation

Crash Fire Training Maintenance

Services: Facility, Property, Park Management, Operation

Facility Management and Operation

Services: Facility, Property, Park Management, Operation

Facility Operator

Services: Facility, Property, Park Management, Operation

Pool Management

Services: Facility, Property, Park Management, Operation

Bookstore and Marketplace Management

Services: Facility, Property, Park Management, Operation

Bookstore Management and Operations

Services: Facility, Property, Park Management, Operation