Total Bids : 37942
Services: Auto Repair, Custom Conversion, Towing
IT: Hardware, Network, and Technology Equipment
Trades and Subcontracts: Insulation, Siding, Ceiling, Drywall
Services: Utilities, Natural Gas, Stormwater, Water, Sewer, Leak Detection
Services: Cleaning, Custodial, Janitorial, Window Cleaning
Consulting: Court and Legal
Equipment: Heavy, Dump Truck, Snow Plows, Tractor, Trailer, Lift
Services: Printing, Publishing, Mailing, Subscription, Books, Barcodes, Labels, Decals
Services: Concessions, Food Services, Catering, Vending
Equipment: Appliances, Service and Trade Equipment
Medical: Health
Infrastructure: Roads and Bridges
Consulting: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Services: Environment, Abatement, Remediation, Hazardous
Consulting: Human Resource Studies
IT: Data Analytics
IT: Software, SaaS, PaaS, Apps, CRM
Equipment: Installation, Maintenance and Repair
Trades and Subcontracts: Fence, Gate, Guardrail
Services: Interpreter, Translation, Transcription, Court Reporting
Consulting: Accounting, Audit, Banking and Finance
Services: Billing, Collection, Investigation, Background, Fingerprint, Livescan
Infrastructure: Materials (Aggregate, Asphalt, Concrete, Rocks, Salt, Sand)
Trades and Subcontracts: Carpentry, Remodeling and Minor Construction
Trades and Subcontracts: Fire Protection, Extinguishing
Equipment: Machinery, Small Equipment, Mower
Award Notices
Trades and Subcontracts: Machinist, Fabrication and Welding
Consulting: Education, Training, Testing, Leadership
Consulting: Insurance and Benefit Plan
IT: Simulation Equipment, Kiosks
Infrastructure: Signalization, Automation Systems, Traffic Cameras, Plate Recognition
Infrastructure: Parking, Tolls and Ticketing Systems
Trades and Subcontracts: Vent Hood Systems, Cleaning and Inspection
Supplies: Chemicals, Gases (Not Fuel), Fertilizer
Supplies: Beverage, Food, Smallware