Total Bids : 356

F--BADL and WICA IDV Aerial Spraying Service

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Kansas City Metro Lawn Grounds and Snow

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control


Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Pavement Clearance Aberdeen Proving Ground North

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Grounds Maintenance

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Grounds Maintenance Services - Beaver WV WV002

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Removal of 96 Damaged Trees

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Tree Removal Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Arborist On Call Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Brush Maintenance

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Citywide Stump Grinding & Removal

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

House Water Filtration System Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

B Everett Jordan Dam Bypass Pumping

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

F--VA - FWS ESTRN - Invasive Species Control

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Kaukaun Dry Dock Fence

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Pavement Clearance Aberdeen Proving Ground North

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control


Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

480th ISRG Beautification

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

F--San Pedro Tree Limb TrimmingRemoval

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Grounds Maintenance Services - Beaver WV WV002

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

North Broadway Median Greening Project

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Landscape Restoration Program

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Landscape Maintenance Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Annual Landscape Maintenance

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Remedial Planting

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Right-Of-Way Mowing Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Park Fall ReLeaf Trees

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control


Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Irrigation Repairs at Valle De Oro NWR

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Landscaping Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Lawn and Landscaping Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Departures Terminal Landscape Improvements

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Landscape Improvements Project

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

SR 316Collins Hill Road Landscape Project

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control

Landscaping Services

Services: Grounds, Landscaping, Irrigation and Weed Control